How To Create An E-Mail

How To Create An E-Mail

Our complete knowledge base for Email marketing can be found at:

Creating an e-mail message using our service is a simple process. Familiarize yourself with our sending guidelines. If you send a message that does not conform to our terms of service it will be rejected. The guidelines can be found here: Why was my email rejected?

The following steps will guide you through creating your first email message:

1) Click on "Compose an E-mail"


2) Select how you would like to design your message. You can use one of our pre-designed templates or create your own layout from scratch. For the purposes of this guide we're going to select "Build it Yourself." Once you make your selection click "Continue."


3) On this screen you can choose between writing straight HTML and using our editor. We recommend  using our editor if you are not familiar with HTML. If you want to send a text only message leave the HTML section blank and proceed to step 4.


4) After creating the HTML version of the message scroll to the bottom of the screen. Check the box indicating that you have placed your full physical mailing address in the message. Then click "Continue"


5) Create the plain text version of the message. This is important because some recipients cannot receive HTML messages.


6) Once again agree that you've placed your full mailing address in the message and then click "Continue."


7) Once you get to this screen you've created the message. Now you can save the message or schedule it to be sent out to your mailing list.