Category Archives: WordPress

Export from Blogger

Export blog from Blogger to WordPress Imports and exports are only for posts and comments not images. First start by exporting your blog as an xml file. Once exported you can email this file to Blackrock Networks, Inc. and we will complete the import. If you have opted for the DO-IT-YOURSELF starter package you can…
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WordPress Upgrades to be finalized this week

Over the past month we have been updating clients with the latest version of WordPess 3.5. As a reminder any third-party plugins or custom themes are not guarentted to work with every version of WordPress. If you notice a plugin or issue with your website after an upgrade you may check with the third-party website…
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Features with our WordPress Hosting

When you sign up with us you get some of the most reliable and tested plugins pre-installed. 1. Jetpack is a WordPress plugin with the awesome cloud power of Email subscriptions for your blog's posts and your post's comments. Social networking enabled comment system. Simple, Akismet-backed contact forms. The URL shortener. Hovercard popups for your…
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Dealing with Comment Spam in WordPress

Dealing with Spam Comments Comment Moderation is very effective in addressing unwanted comments. The best defense against comment spam is just watching your comments. Still if your blog is popular among people it will be popular among comment spammers as well and you may not be ale to do the heavy lifting all by yourself.…
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WordPress featured image issues

You may have noticed that some themes that used to display the header image on a page or post as the featured image are no longer showing up and defaulting to the primary header. At first this was thought to be a bug with the latest WordPress update but according to WordPress it is actually…
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