We are often asked if we can host standard HTML pages which are uploaded via FTP (File Transfer Protocol). We can host all types of files however we do not provide FTP access. If you choose to host on the Blackrock Networks, Inc. servers, you can use our Content Management System (CMS), WordPress of another CMS solution with us.
Our CMS allows you to create, update & delete web pages using only a web browser. With it you can upload images to display on your web pages, or make files available for download.
This is by design as it minimizes server administration and reduces overall security risk.
Specifically, we do not offer FTP service because it is an insecure protocol (i.e. sends passwords in the clear without encryption). This is a huge security risk. While there are secure alternatives, such as SFTP and SSH, we have chosen not to support them as this can still allow clients to inadvertently upload files that may lead to security holes on their website, and our CMS makes those services unnecessary.