Please note, these are the most used page templates of our templates. Your particular template may include different page templates with different names. Please refer to your template documentation for the most accurate information.
Page Templates
- Default Template (the default page template with a right sidebar position)
- Full Width (a page template with one column and no sidebar positions)
- Portfolio 1 column (the page template for 1 column portfolio display)
- Portfolio 2 columns (the page template for 2 columns portfolio display)
- Portfolio 3 columns (the page template for 3 columns portfolio display)
- Portfolio 4 columns (the page template for 4 columns portfolio display)
- Page Testimonials (the page template for testimonials posts display)
- Page FAQs (the page template for displaying FAQs)
Sidebar Position
Please note, these are the most used sidebar positions of our templates. Your particular template may include different sidebar positions with different names. Please refer to your template documentation for the most accurate information.
- Header – Located at the top of pages
- Before Home Page Content – Located at the top of the Home Page content.
- Home Page Content – Located at the middle of the Home Page content.
- After Home Page Content – Located at the bottom of the Home Page content.
- Sidebar – Located on the right hand side or left hand side of pages
- Footer – Located at the bottom of pages.