For more information regarding our complete class offering contact [email protected]
All children's programming classes will be administered in a classroom setting to provide the most effective training for children.
Introduction to Google Analytics
Learn the best practices of online analytics including how to create a Google Analytics account, add analytics code to your website, review reports.
Introduction E-commerce Analytics
Learn the best practices of online analytics as it related to an online store. Learn about tracking conversions, sharing reports among staff, track user behavior and make business decisions based on the analysis.
Introduction Mobile App Analytics
Learn about acquisition channels and event tracking. Create custom reports and target recurring customers with remarketing.
Introduction to WordPress
Learn about Posts vs. Pages, The Editor, New Post Formats and Edit an Existing Post.
Intermediate WordPress Training
Learn how to use Categories and Tags, Creating and Editing Pages, Add Photos and Images, How to Embed Video, Using the Media Library
Advanced WordPress Training
Learn how to manage Comments, Create Links, Add Widgets and Custom Menus.
Introduction to Salesforce
Learn best practices for setting up leads, accounts, contacts and opportunities. Understand what a CRM is and how to use it to manage your customers.
Advanced training
The Salesforce Administrator Certification Course is for anyone interested in passing the Administrator Certification exam offered by
Programming classes taught by real programmers. Now enrolling.
Programming with Scratch (ages 6 +)
Learn to use a tile-based visual programming language to create simple games, stories, and animated images. Scratch is a project of the Lifelong Kindergarten Group at the MIT Media Lab.
Programming for Minecraft using Blocky (ages 6 +)
Learn how to use blocks of code that represent commands to generate Javascript to control activities in Minecraft. Learn the beginning concepts of Loops and If Statements. The building blocks for computer programming. Blockly was originally designed as a replacement for OpenBlocks in 2012.
Introduction to Computer Programming with Python (ages 10 +)
The class is a 15 weeks course (over 4-5 months), taught by a software developer. We will cover the basics of "real" computer programming in Python, an easy to learn language that is used today in many companies. The children will learn how to read, write, and modify basic Python programs. We will learn about variables, loops, if-then-else statements, and functions. Some of the topics we will cover include how to use Python to do math problems, draw pictures, write a quiz, make secret messages, and do cool things in Minecraft (Pi Edition).
Previous typing experience is very beneficial. Previous programming experience is not expected. The class material is challenging and is best suited for students who like computers and enjoy problem solving.
This 15 week class is the first in a series of 4. Students who wish to learn more about computer programming, can continue on with more advanced material in our Python Level 2, Python Level 3 and Python / Web Programming Level 4 classes.
Programming With Python Level 2
Programming with Python Level 2 will continue where the Introduction to Computer Programming Python Class left off. Initially we will do a review of what was covered last year. After that we will continue to introduce new concepts such as dictionaries, for loops, ranges, sorting, and reading/writing files. We will make heavier use of functions and will introduce some basic object oriented programming concepts. Some of the projects we are going to program include Snake, Xs and Os, Memory Game and Minecraft Maze Game.
Programming With Python Level 3
We will continue where the Programming With Python Level 2 Class left off. Initially we will do a review of what was covered last semester. After that we will continue to introduce more concepts like sorting, searching for data in a CSV file, and more about object oriented programming. The students will also start solving simple problems using their programming skills. Some of the programs we will be writing include a matching pairs game, a sink your ship game, an image based puzzle, and a MIDI music player.
Python / Web Programming Level 4
This class continues where Programming With Python Level 3 left off. We will begin learning how to use Python to write basic web applications on the internet. Students will get an overview of how the web works, and we will cover some details about Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), Domain Name Service (DNS), and Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP). We will increase the number of exercises where the students are given problem descriptions, and work on coming up with the Python code themselves. Internet connectivity will be required for this class.
Interested in having a program at your school? Contact [email protected] to learn more.